Background: both are based on Department of Transportation Programs originated in the late 1960’s. First Responders (FR) is min of 40 hrs while EMT is 110. WFR programs are usually 70-80 hrs vs WEMT 110-200hrs. EMTs are only required on ambulances (most not all). Lower population rural counties by statue often accept FRs or first aiders on their ambulances. WMO was the first wilderness school to obtained approvals for both FR and EMTs from the State of Colorado. As of 2004 WMO no longer carries these approvals.
City Ambulance: Become an EMT
For those folks who are actually a crew member on an ambulance. These EMTs have to be very careful never to do more than their state statues allow. Many mistakenly think that their Dr., Government agency, or need, overrides the law and protects them. Not true, a rude awakening awaits those who have not read their states current statute. EMTs MAY face Felony Criminal Charges for performing many accepted back country wilderness skills even with Physician approval as Physicians do not have authority to grant to EMTs
Back Country Care: Become a WFR.
Wilderness Medicine Outfitters (WMO) urges you to get high-level training but suggests, as has the state of Colorado EMS division (EMT director Dave Miller) that you become a WFR vs EMT unless you want to strictly limit your self to ambulance work.
What an EMT can DO: Do only the limited acts allowed by the state. Docs must have state board approval to extend authority
Only give the following drugs only advantage - work on an ambulance!
1. sugars
2. oxygen
3. albuterol
4. charcoal
5. aspirin
6. patients auto injector Epi
Provide standard transport with splinting and bandaging by ambulance
advantage - give great care only limited by your skills
Give all drugs allowed by their physician including the EMT 6 such as:
1. Altitude Meds; decahedron nifipidien, Diamox, etc.
2. Antibotics: penicillin, bacterium, Cipro, Keflex, leviquine, etc.
3. EPI in any form; auto injector, theirs, yours, inhaler, Anakit, Anaguard, needle / syringe
4. Respiratory drugs: albuterol, etc.
5. Specialty medications; numerous / varied
6. Pain medications: Empirine 3, Codeine, Stadol, loracet, Demerol, Darvon, etc.
Provide advanced care, small surgeries, improvised treatments, wound closure, as well as standard transport with splinting and bandaging by any transport means.
Do WEMTs have more training than WMOs WFRs? No, WMOs WFRs uniquely have more skill and knowledge presented to them than most standard wemt or EMT program. WMOs WEMT program has the same skills and knowledge as our WFR program. To advance take WMO Wilderness Advanced Life Support