We made more head way with this case in 1 week with Carl's help than we did in a year and a half of diligent case work without him!
His expertise, insight and guidance was invaluable giving us a strong position in what we were concerned was a weak case-
Joe D. lead attorney of 3 man team from New York Law Firm -2014
Archery, Appraisals, Camps, Camp Skills, Equine, Guiding, General Aviation, Livestock, Horses, Hunting, Outdoor Recreation, Ranching - both guest and working, Rope courses, Rock Climbing - gyms and out of doors, Shooting Sports, Outdoor Schools, Water sports, Wilderness Medicine, Emergency Medical Service.
Carl Weil's strong hands on experience in many outdoor recreation areas including rock climbing, firearms, archery and horsemanship help him when reviewing a case as well as being deposed and taking the stand to testify. He has reviewed approximately 3,000 outdoor businesses in the US, Canada and abroad as a risk manager. Lawyers find his experience and clarity an asset on their cases. He has worked on over 300 cases as an expert. His years of public speaking and writing help him present his opinion in a clear strong manner to others. Experienced in Plaintive and Defense representation. He is accepted as expert witness in Civil and Criminal cases.
Obliviously your knowledge and expertise in firearms was paramount, but your ability to communicate with the jury congenially and knowledgeably rendered you both memorable and credible. I believe that the demonstrative exhibits which you prepared were helpful to the jury and my client. Finally your handling of the rather aggressive examinations by the deputy district attorney at the rule 702 hearing and at trial was admirable as you maintained composure and confidence on the stand. James C. Plott, Attorney 2010 CO
You can increase your clients success hiring Carl Weil. His letters of recommendation from satisfied attorney reflect his broad investigative experience backed by significant training leading to important winning observations. The letters can be emailed to you upon request after initial discussion. With todays inexpensive airline tickets, your client can easily afford his modest fees and pay little to have him on location, as opposed to a local, less experienced person. The loss of a case never justifies the savings from hiring a local without Carl Weil's vast experience.
During litigation, we affiliated with Mr. Carl Weil who is highly qualified in the area of wilderness medicine and recreational activities. His Curriculum Vitae sheds some light on his skills and values. What is not mentioned is that Mr. Weil is very knowledgeable with rock climbing standards, recreational activity standards and the practices of the professionals from each activity. Mr. Weil provided expert review of our case, made site inspections, appeared for deposition and prepared for trial. Mr. Weil's unique knowledge of film and television along with his mountaineering background as a member of the American Mountain Guide Association was invaluable to our case. Randy Godin, personal injury Attorney 2012 Calif.
He grew up on a family ranch in the Colorado Mountains as a horseman and is a third generation guide. Public presentations in safety are frequent often in wilderness medicine. A list of his publications are available; many on wilderness medicine, outdoor recreation and horse topics. His unique monograph presentation on levels of outdoor liability and responsibility before the Wilderness Education Association was positively received and is often valuable to his cases. Scholastically he has university degrees and a Master Fellow degree, plus hours of on going graduate work. His field of cases has included: Archery, Appraisals, Camps, Climbing in gyms and on traditional rock, Equine activities, Guest and working ranches, General Aviation, Guiding, Hunting, Horses, Livestock, Mountaineering, Outfitting, Schools and Safety.
For away from home overnight trips, he charges for an 8 hr day plus meals, transportation and room. If the evening time is his to do as he sees fit, he does not charge for it.
If he has to hire someone to cover evening teaching that he frequently does, there is an extra charge. Advanced scheduling usually prevents this extra charge. Trial and out of area deposition days are charged at a minimum of an 8 hour day for each day or partial day on location. Client need to arrange to prepays travel costs. Depositions in the Denver or Colorado Springs area are charged at a minimum of a ½ day.
He offers a free initial review.
Carl Weil as of 2012 has four expert associates in addition to himself for better service to his clients these associates can work on cases with him or independently based on the clients needs:
1- College Dean retired, phd- Human relations, training; Security, Weapons, Survival [US Marine]
2- Emergency Room Registered Nurse- 25+ years experience
3- Registered Nurse, Paramedic, EMS Educator, SAR medical director experience
4- Family Practice Physician, former ED Cheif of staff, Cheif surgieon Special Forces retired