Submitted by Carl Weil on

So lets make this real simple here comes another disaster not as big as Katrina or Sandy may be like the tornadoes that took out dozen of smaller midwest towns in the last few years. What if the roads or freeways had a lot of accidents as well and your car was trapped in one of those? Or the roads around where you work are closed? Want to get home or at least some place friendly and safer? Out of the riot? Do you have the following in place? Sure this is easy and cheap to build now - IMPOSSIBLE to build then!!!!
<span style="font-family: " arial="" black","sans-serif";="" font-size:="" 16.0pt;="" mso-bidi-font-family:="" "times="" new="" roman";="" mso-fareast-font-family:="" roman";"="">CARLS GET HOMEPACK [or somewhere safer] - *
Keep this in your office, vehicle or dorm room for when disaster strikes without warning and you have to walk part way orall the way home
Stuff you have plus $100+- worth of stuff you don’t have or is too worn / 18 lbs All of these items can be up graded but you need to keep the weight down or you could buy a commercial version of lesser stuff for $300+
this is a bare minimum of items and low quality you can upgrade
Most folk need training as well as the pack
this is a bare minimum of items and low quality you can upgrade
Most folk need training as well as the pack
- 50 Feet of Military Grade 550 Paracord 6oz $3
- 10 Extra Large Zip Ties 2 oz
- 1 Pair leather Work Gloves 6oz $10
- 6 nitrial gloves , cinch tight, roll tape 1 ½”x10 yds, 10-4x4, 10-1” bandaids, 1lb $10
- 2 - N95 Rated Respirator Masks 2 oz $3
- 1 Set of Protective Goggles 2 oz $6
- 1 Multi-Tool with Pliers, Knife, Screwdrivers, and more 6oz
- 1 LED Flashlight 2 oz $10
- 1 plastic Tube Tent 6oz $3
- 1 Plastic Poncho 6oz $3
- 1 signal Mirror and whistle 3 oz $10
- 1 mylar foil emergency Sleeping Bag 6oz $10
- 10 power bars = 2,400 calories 1.5 lbs ` $10
- 2.5 liter hydration bag 6oz $10
- 1 ltr water 38 oz
- 2 sheets [20 quarts]mp1 water pure tabs2 oz $10
- Lock blade knife 6oz
- Compass 2 oz
- Duct tape 50 ft 6oz
- 2 Pepper spray or pistol + extra ammo- 2 lbs – choice depends how willing to live
- Fire starter kit, Bic liter, flint mag bar, dryer lint/Vaseline, life boat matches, metal cup, teabags 9oz
- Roll tp 6 oz
- Hat / jacket 3 lbs
- Pens / paper 2 oz
- Good walking shoes/light boots/wool socks 2lbs [gaiters]
- Backcountry Care reminder book* 2 oz $10
- Pack/heavy book bag, NOT military looking 2 lbs