Submitted by Carl Weil on

The 10th annual Wilderness Advanced Life Support (WALS) by Wilderness Medicine Outfitters (WMO) was held March 19 – 23, 2014 near Denver, Colorado. This year’s WALS course included attendees from the USA military, practicing doctors, nurses, paramedics and EMTs; wilderness outfitters, firefighters and public safety personnel. Students traveled to attend the course from as far away as Alaska and Florida, and seven states in between.
The unique five-day curriculum on advanced wilderness enviromedical topics included three small-group learning sessions on human anatomy in the laboratory with cadavers. These rare anatomy sessions received top reviews from students, who now have new insight into the human form and function from a three-dimensional, first-hand perspective.
Many cadaver labs require the student to sit and watch the anatomist identify structures and present models. WMOs uniquely allows students to handle, examine and experience practical aspects including many to actually place EZIO fluid delivery devices.
The teaching team of nine specialist instructors for the course was led by Carl Weil, Director of WMO and Master Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine. In a wilderness medicine advanced class first, there were 2 Fellow in addition to a Master Fellow teaching the class. The two Fellows also teaching were WMO senior instructors David Fitzpatrick, MD, FAWM, fellow since 2008, WMO’s Medical Director, and Marc McDonald, WEMT, FAWM, fellows since 2011.
The class was treated to have six other specialists such as Roberto LaRosia world renowned former senior ASLO Boot Italian designer/USA repair manager - engineer - master boot maker and multi degreed pedorthist. The interest in the class is so strong several have now signed up for next year’s course scheduled for March 18-22, 2015 at a Marriot near Denver Colorado.
For more information, or to register for WALS 2015 contact WMO at or call Carl Weil at (303) 688-5176.