Submitted by Carl Weil on

Regarding 10-29-2015 AUVIQ Epi injector batch recall story. What they did not say is that AUVIQ could only deliver a maxim of a double dose as AUVIQ only holds 0.6 epi of which the standard dose of 0.3 is supposed to be injected. For the children's unit which is for 66 lbs or less the doe is diluted 50% so it can still use the same mechanism. It would have been far kinder to have shared that a possible double dose is not a serious concern as many episodes actually should receive a second dose [ 1 out of 3]. EPIPEN holds as many folks, some of whom have read my previous articles, know 5 doses while the back on the marked new name for "twinjects" "adrena click" now called I believe generic epi injector holds 3.5 doses. The AUVIQ unlike all others is not spring injected but nitrogen gas fired. It is possible, but unlikely Sanofi could have used a stronger dilution mixture of EPI but there has been nothing to suggest this possibility. Standard is USP 1:1000 (1 mg/mL). There are many examples of patients receiving many extra doses with benefit not harm. I have been unable in thorough literature searches to find any mention of death or injury from 2 doses.
Two other very important associated reminders.
EPI PENS old style used for 30 years [round body] which they call legend style is still produced now having the same colors as the current EPIPEN [BLUE and ORANGE] yet now only sold with Alsuma a headache medicine . The AUVIQ ALSO has a second drug available in the same talking body [NARCAN].
I believe this is dangerous but no news stories have been put out on these possible drug confusions which un like current story of probably NO life threat, these other drugs in look alike epi bodys could be deadly IF EPI was needed.
Please let me know if any of you see any other associated stories that I can pass on regarding EPI and associated issues.