Submitted by Carl Weil on

Yes it is real!
How did they handle it in Honk Kong? They shut down schools , meetings and travel. What is the US doing- whining. Write your representatives NOW to close our southern boarder NOW.
What else can you do with this admittedly over hyped problem? following article is the best I have found.It starts with wash hands! stay safe--stay out of Mexico. Carl
Staying Safe from Swine Flu
On Monday, the World Health Organization raised the influenza pandemic alert to phase 4 on its "pandemic alert" scale, meaning that they have evidence that there is human-to-human transmission of the virus that is capable of leading to a sustained community outbreak. Whether or not swine flu will become a major pandemic remains unclear -- but there’s absolutely no question that everyone would benefit from measures to strengthen their immune systems to minimize the likelihood of infection.
I have written numerous times about flu prevention with regard to both the "standard" flu viruses as well as avian flu, so have pulled together the most significant and helpful information to help you protect yourself. These are good strategies at all times but especially important and relevant right now.
It’s vital to follow all the same common-sense advice we’ve ever heard about staying healthy during the annual flu season: Wash your hands often... avoid exposure to infected people... try not to touch your face, as this is a common way germs are transmitted... cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze... and get plenty of fresh air.
According to Daily Health News contributing editor Andrew L. Rubman, ND, there are a number of particular strategies that are helpful in boosting your immune system in order to be strong enough to fight off the assault of germs. He is quick to point out that the real danger has less to do with exposure than with the state of your health at the moment -- being exposed to a virus doesn’t mean you absolutely will get it. Organisms are able to cause disease only when they can get past the body’s defenses. A strong immune system will help limit the duration and intensity of symptoms.
Dr. Rubman’s favorite immune boosters to fight viral infections:
Selenium: A Powerful Antioxidant
This essential trace mineral is a valuable antioxidant that prevents cell damage from free radicals. Selenium helps the immune system recognize viruses and block them from entering cells, explains Dr. Rubman. He recommends a dose of 400 micrograms (mcg) to 500 mcg a day divided into three parts -- that is about four times the usual.
Another potent and powerful weapon against flu is a plant called Lomatium dissectum, a member of the parsley family that grows in the northwestern US. This herb was traditionally used by Native Americans to treat upper respiratory infections and is thought to possess antimicrobial properties as well.
Specialized formulations of Lomatium are available to physicians, but consumers can purchase Lomatium - Osha throat spray (Eclectic Institute). Lomatium is most effective if used as soon as possible after a known exposure (such as a person with whom you work or attend school).
Supplemental vitamin C and D are both very helpful -- C in improving mucous membrane resistance, which is how the virus is most commonly transmitted, and D in reducing risk of infection (and if you do get sick, severity).
Red-Hot Chili Peppers: A Spicy, Immune-Boosting Tea
Another of Dr. Rubman’s flu-fighting favorites is a spicy tea concocted from echinacea, goldenseal, slippery elm bark and just a touch of the red-hot pepper capsicum. Echinacea, goldenseal and capsicum team up to fight off germs, while slippery elm allows the tea to coat the back of the throat, where viruses are most likely to take hold.
Here’s how to make it: At your local health-food store, purchase one-half ounce of powdered goldenseal root... one-half ounce of powdered echinacea root (not the whole plant)... two ounces of slippery elm bark powder... and one teaspoon of capsicum.
At home, put ingredients in a brown paper bag or plastic baggie, close tightly and shake. Transfer the contents to a screw-top jar. Give this jar a shake each time you use it in order to remix the ingredients.
To make the tea, pour one cup of very hot water into a mug over one-half teaspoon of the powder.
Cover and steep for five minutes. Sip up to several cups daily throughout flu season.
It is important enough to repeat -- wash your hands. It’s age-old advice that remains critical. Wash hands before eating... before leaving the bathroom... and indeed, anytime they are dirty.
Read on to learn what to do if you do happen to be stricken with swine flu...
Andrew L. Rubman, ND, medical director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, Connecticut
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I couldn't get out of traveling through DIA to...
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