Submitted by Carl Weil on

Just back from teaching a hunting guide course in the Rahaw Wilderness west of Ft Collins, Colorado -- saw moose and deer even though it is archery season. The colors in the Laramie river valley were just starting to turn. Stayed at a great guest ranch and enjoyed the weather. Took the long way with 80C back to Ft Collins- gorgeous!
We have been over busy here at WMO as I have taught 12 classes my self with other of WMO staff over the last 90 days.
Up coming WFR classes are Golden Colo OCT tue and thur evenings and Eastern Penn 9 days in two sessions Jan 2010
Just got a email of a life saved with emergency EPI delivery using the "Carl-WMO McGyvered" system the short version follows-Kudos to the sharp Navy Captain:
My patient was a 29 y/o adventure racer with bee sting allergies nearly ¾ through the event. He was in a two man team and within a mile of base but in thick terrain. He sustained multiple bee stings. His running mate arrived at base describing his buddy as having difficulty breathing, appearing pale/blue, diaphortic, and with urticaria. The patient didn't have his epipen with him. (A lesson he learned well after my debrief with him-always have your epipen)
First dose of epipen and prior treatment dramatically improved his situation with pulse ox 94, RR down from mid 20's to 14, and improved color. He continued to improve while we prepped for scoop and swoop to get back to our First aid station Enroute by stretcher, he started to experience recrudescence of SOB with expanding urticaria. I McGyvered the second dose as you had instructed. On arrival to base he had resolved his urticaria except for presence of mild erythema at the wheal sites. RR was 12, 98% sat on room air, no audible wheezing, and overall a happy ending. I attribute this excellent outcome to the information acquired during the "Anaphylaxis in the Back Country" lecture [by Carl Weil] and would recommend this course highly to anyone.
Carl Comment after speaking with good friend JR
We teach for the above life saving opportunity and we forget that these occur when we have a student who complains about the test score they did not like.