Submitted by Carl Weil on

Unnecessary back boarding info responding to 3-7-2014 Johnson county ambulance articles stopping back boarding
I was taught the "Goth algorithm B" by Dr. Peter Goth in 1989. We at Wilderness Medicine Outfitters were given permission by Peter to use his chart and have taught it to thousands of students ever since. The Canadian and Nexus studies on spine injuries have documented he was correct. Goths B is very easy to learn. If any of 4 factors are present the patient [pt] is c collard and boarded. The four are 1- MOI, 2-Point pain or tenderness on spine, 3- motor sensory problems, 4- reliable /calm/sober pt.
I did a unpublished study at UNC in graduate statistic class of over 600 outdoor folk. The study significantly showed up to 12 minutes unresponsive time was not critical or indicative of a spinal injury. The study was reviewed by the head of Denver University Statistics department, Dr. Kathy Green as sound. I am happy to pass on info to any requesting through We expect to be posting soon a free medical moment mini lesson on spine clearing at or
It has been rarely discussed but always known being strapped to or laying on a backboard hurts. Many pts with back pain loose the pain when let off the board . WMO along with other good schools has taught to pad the board especially thicker behind the knee space [popliteal] and small of back to reduce discomfort and prevent pressure death of tissue in long transports [over 3 hrs]