Submitted by Carl Weil on

Just filed with the FDA to be reviewed; a single dose prefilled Epinephrine syringe [PFS] from Adamis
but long term sealed unit of Epinephrine
While this company is located close by to the old Twinject company, it does not appear to have any connection to old Twinject group, as its CFO is not a person on the published old groups officer list. The sample on the web site is made to look similar to the old Hollister-Stier product Anakit or the stand alone Hollister-Stier Anaguard but is a very different product. It is billed as an economical, single dose EPI unit. I have obtained an early sample from which we have determined the volume contained. We will be sharing full info with WMOs Wilderness Advanced Life Support class [WALS] March 18-22, 2015 in Denver Colorado. The [PFS] should be an economical and exciting item in the field of EPI with some unadvertised benefits to be discussed at the WALS!
Learn about new EPI device and other improvisational EPI systems and auto injectors.
You can attend 1 day of the WALS class for $225 [does not include cadaver lab]
or 2 days for $375 [does not include cadaver lab]
or the full 5 day class for $895 [Materials, supplies and labs fees extra]
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Submitted by Myriam Godin on