Submitted by Carl Weil on

WMO is conscious of our impact on the environment and our community. We make every effort to incorporate Green practices in all areas of our business and personal life. Our 130 acre preserve has been a conservation easement started in 2002 Here is a list of what we came up with to name a few... and as new ideas arise, we do our best to see if we can incorporate them too!
• We have been off grid since 1984 making our own solar electricity
• We turn down thermostats at night
• Keep thermostats at 60+ when on
• We use no air conditioning.
• We rarely use fans.
• Buy recycled office paper even for business cards when possible
• Reuse as much internal office paper as possible (after finishing use on one side, we then use the other side too. we print on the back side of paper that has already been used.)
• Recycle all unusable boxes, paper, glass, plastic, cans, ink cartridges and laser toners, etc.
• Reuse all boxes that come into our office for shipping (as long as they are in good shipping condition we reuse them!)
• We turn our computers at night. We shut down on the weekends.
• No dryer – cloths line and rack
• Only have reusable dishes, cups, utensils, etc. at work – no disposables!
• We primarily use cloth towels instead of paper towels and hand towels in the kitchen and bathrooms
• Dishes are washed in dish pan to save water and air dried
• We do not turn on lights unless they are needed. All of our building get enough natural light that we do not need to use overhead lighting during the day.
• All of our space as of 2014 is lit by LEDs with no incandescent and only a few fluorescents.
• All our computers are lap tops as they use less energy
• We email invoices, statements, quotes, orders, etc. where possible to eliminate printing and mailing them
• We ship complete whenever possible to eliminate multiple shipments, saving gas and packaging usage
• We donate a percentage of our net profits to organizations that fit certain criteria (environment, education, local)
• Limited trade show attendance and business travel to reduce carbon footprints and harmful travel practices
• We reuse what ever we can! (folders, furniture, cabling, power strips, filing cabinets, you name it!)
• We try to buy used! (Filing cabinets, office chairs, desks, dishes have been purchased used for our offices!)
• Properly dispose of electronics when no longer usable
• We donate products on occasion when we have to purge stock instead of throwing it away.
• Any product not in sellable condition is reused for display or demo or is donated.
• Carpool to meetings and lunches when possible
• We use solar , wood and radiant head with out filters to replace Store needed documents electronically and file originals when existing instead of printing
• Our buildings are predominately build out of recycled materials
-Our home won honorable mention in Mother Earth News Owner built constest