Submitted by Carl Weil on

For a while, it was in fashion to administer only one baby aspirin of 81 mg. Today, the usual dose to be chewed [fastest in system] is 325 mg. Give it to the patient asap!
Low bp, as shown by cold feet and hands, indicating systolic below 80 coupled with bradycardia, or slow heart rate less than under 60 approaching 40 beats per minute is reason not to give nitro. Giving nitro in this condition could lead to death by volume deficiency due to vasodilation. Here is a strong reason for medical history especially in 2 categories – meds any vasio dialaoritors or bp lowering meds? Any previous, similar conditions? If neither, then we are on the positive side with warm feet with pulse rate of 60 + and if the person y has chest pain and has his/her have nitro, assist the person if needed with taking their nitro. The physician recommended dose of sublingual nitroglycerin is usually one to three tablets within a 15-minute period (one tab every five minutes titrated to effect). Blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, antidepressants and psychiatric meds are just some of the medications that can negatively interact with nitroglycerin.
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