Submitted by Carl Weil on

Many have requested copies of Wilderness Medicine Outfitters class power points so ----Check out WMOs free resource center for continuing education at
WMO now has 8 new Key Point mini Power points for your wilderness education, free for home study in the following topics with more planed.
1- Anaphylaxis,
2- Assessment
3- Blisters
4- Sam splint
5- Prevention - WMO Trip Tips
6- Med kits
7- Water care
8- Wound care
These are shorter versions of the more in depth ones presented in WMO classes.
These are being placed on our site, .
The first four are loaded for you as of 10-6-2015
If you would like to have one of these before they are all loaded on the site just email me and they will be specially emailed to you. Let me know what other topics you would like to see.
Recert your NREMT EMT [all levels] and earn your Wilderness designation by taking WMO WFR/WEMT such as Golden area starting Oct 12 mon/ wed evens 6-10 pm six week class
Carl Weil, Director -Wilderness Medicine Outfitters
Master Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine
2477 co rd 132 Elizabeth , CO 80107 (303)688-5176