Submitted by Carl Weil on

Wound healing - Here are 2 ways to improve wound healing by C. Weil MFAWM
A colloidal patch over the counter item [otc] at Amazon $50 for10 or pharmacies maybe $100
The patch Fibracol is laid over the open wound and is “absorbed” creating a matrix that is an aid in faster healing allowing body cells to close up wound faster
Some will use honey for this first step- I used Fibracol not honey.I used the 2”x2” patches when wound was ¾” +- open and then went to honey. Used plain table honey
Honey if the wound is mostly together
Honey worked on [Check out 25 more free lessons at]
Biopsy cuts partly healed but with open margins,
Results in; 24 hrs of being covered with thin 4 layer gauze soaked with honey looked remarkably healed
On scabs that had been on for 2+ weeks, -I have apprehension that scabs left on skin turn into Basel cell problems. Results in; 3days of being covered with coverlet oval Band-Aid with gauze in center with drop of honey, scab dropped off and skin under looked freshly healed
On thin skin that had formed over wound
Results in; 2days of being covered with thin 4 layer gauze soaked honey looked remarkably more healed
On 4” laceration that 20 stitches were just taken out but looked like that was done too early.
Results in; 3days of being covered with thin 4 layer gauze soaked honey looked remark healed. Scar not very noticeable.
This was recommended a few times by students but when from a MD J. A.of 26 yrs in poorly supplied Haiti – I decided to follow her advice. Doc shared she had used honey many times on wounds, burns and two times in eyes as well.
1-Welder with eyes UV burn felt pain for 1 minute after drop of honey in eye but rapidly went to soothing. Mostly healed in 24 hrs.
2- Corneal laceration felt pain for1minute after drop of honey in eye but rapidly went to soothing. Mostly healed in 24 hrs.
1- Gauze thinly covered with honey was covered with nonstick gauze and wrapped with coban
2- Zippered compression stockings if wound is below knees
3- IF you use honey to heal, please take cell photo before and after application of Fibracol or honey. Please send photos and summary to
4- Medihoney sold OTC has almost 6,000 Five Star reviews
5- There are a number of true studies all showing benefits of healing with honey, many are from India
6- the honey and covering [#1 above] produce a"wet wound environment" which has been shown to improve healing Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2013 Sep; 2(7): 348–356. doi: 10.1089/wound.2012.0412
and many other studies
7- Check with your doctor before using. Honey is not to be used on young children